Efteling Introduces Special On-Ride Video Experience, Reminiscent of Disney's Photo Pass

Published on 16 August 2023 at 13:50

Efteling Park visitors can now relive their thrilling adventure on the Baron 1898 roller coaster in a new and unique way. From today, besides snapping a photo to commemorate their experience, they can also get a 30-second action-packed video of their ride, thanks to new filming equipment installed on the coaster.


This novel feature, reminiscent of popular on-ride photography systems such as Disney's Tower of Terror and the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train's photo pass, offers patrons a dynamic memento of their experience. The system seamlessly integrates with the official Efteling app. Once riders add their action photo to the app post-ride, they instantly gain access to the corresponding video, capturing the ride's major highlights.


Key moments of the "Baron-experience" video include heart-stopping encounters with the "Witte Wieven" (White Women) who attempt to sabotage the coaster's descent into the mine shaft. Riders then plunge into the depths at a top speed of 90 kilometers per hour, diving a staggering 37.5 meters below. Interestingly, the seeds for this immersive project were sown as far back as 2019. By the fall of 2021, a specialized camera was installed alongside the ride's track. Nearly two years post that installation, this unique functionality is now available for visitors to enjoy. Currently, there are no plans to expand this concept to other attractions in the park.


For those looking to treasure their park memories, the Digi-Fotopas allows storage of all action photos and videos taken within Efteling. It's priced at 25 euros for a day or 35 euros for a week. As of now, no exclusive versions are available for subscription holders.

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